Dual Language Program » Dual Language Program

Dual Language Program

Program Overview Dual language programs (also known as two-way immersion programs) allow English learners and English proficient students to receive instruction in English and a target language in the same classroom.
At 75th Street Elementary School, we offer a Dual Language program in Spanish and English. Our program allows students to develop academic proficiency in both languages beginning in TK (Transitional Kindergarten).
Program Goals
  • Develop primary language proficiency
  • Develop second language proficiency
  • Develop academic achievement in all subject areas
  • Instill an appreciation for cultural diversity
Key Features
  • Both English learners and English proficient students are mixed in the same classroom to promote bilingualism, biliteracy, and multiculturalism
  • Students are held to high academic standards
  • Heterogeneous and homogeneous grouping strategies are used to promote language development and develop literacy skills in English and Spanish, the target language at 75th Street Elementary
Instructional Strategies
  • Specially designed academic instruction in English/target language (SDAIE/T)
  • Sheltering techniques
  • Scaffolding strategies
  • Cooperative learning
  • Communicative and natural approach
  • Thematic planning
  • Student-centered